
SuperVenture in 🇩🇪 Berlin: Launch of 2024 European Women in VC Flagship Report

Kinga Stanisławska presenting European Women in VC 2024 Flagship report "Beyond returns" during SuperVenture in Berlin. Panelists talking about impact investing and diversity in the ecosystem.

SuperVenture 2024 was marked by the official launch of European Women in VC 2024 flagship report, "BEYOND RETURNS: Venture and Growth Investing Fueling Sustainability & Societal Change," presented by Kinga Stanislawska, developed in collaboration with Founders Forum Group and Tech Nation. The report is based on surveys from 334 VC firms and LPs across Europe, providing a comprehensive look into the impact and sustainability of venture investing.

The panel featured industry leaders who provided valuable insights into the findings of the report: Kinga Stanislawska (European Women in VC), Maya Ghayad, Anne Germain, Saemundur K (Saemi) Finnbogason, Rachael Reid

Key findings:

⭐ More VC money is going to European positive impact-driven startups than ever before

⭐ 88% of the VCs say that they use an impact investing framework or tool to guide their investment decision due to their own personal of fund’s values73% of LPs say alignment with SDGs is important

⭐ 9 in 10 if the VCs and LPs say that increased diversity in VC leads to better investments decisions and financial returns

⭐ 87% have already implemented an internal ESG policy or plan to do so in the next year

Read more here.

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