
CEE Women in VC Meetup in Warsaw

Kinga Stanisławska speaking at the Central and Eastern Europe Women in VC Meetup in Warsaw

Over 60 Women & 13 European Countries

10% is not good, 6% even worse.

Over the last decade the number of women partners categorized as key decision makers in VC firms has declined from 10% to 6%.

We believe that having a diverse set of decision makers is more advantageous for the VC industry, for instance: higher returns to investors, more inclusive culture and higher possibility to fund women entrepreneurs.

CEE Women in VC Meetup is the invite-only brainstorming and networking full day event for women in the VC industry. We would like to gather in an informal atmosphere to discuss market trends, success stories and challenges women from VC face every day. We would also like to discuss how we can support the woman activation in the VC industry as well as financing of start-ups founded by women.

The Organizing Commitee:

Kinga Stanislawska and Marzena Bielecka from the CEE Women in VC initiative
Olga Afanasyeva from UVCA
Zlatolina Mukova from NEVEQ
Sille Pettai from SmartCap
Tatjana Zabasu from SC Ventures
Silke Horáková from CVCA
Ibolya Pinter from HVCA

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